When it comes to vaping, it is often hard to tell fact from fantasy, partly due to a lack of trustworthy studies. While some vapers maintain the vapor in their minds for a considerable amount of time, others do not.
Thus, if you’re wondering how to inhale vapour and how long to retain it, keep reading to get knowledge and make the right decision for yourself.
How Does One Inhale Vapour?
You might be wondering how to inhale vapour if you’ve made the move from smoking to vaping. Does it vary in any way from inhaling cigarette smoke?
When vaping, there are two main ways to inhale vapour: mouth-to-lung and direct-to-lung, or “direct lung.” Since most ex-smokers are unfamiliar with the direct-to-lung option, it’s crucial to understand the distinctions if you’ve recently made the move from smoking to vaping.

Mouth-to-Lung (MTL)
This technique is exactly what it sounds like: you draw the vapour to your lips, keep it there for a short while, and then breathe it in. To bring up the flavor of the smoke, some people like to hold it in their mouths.
Individuals who formerly smoked tobacco cigarettes may also employ this tactic due to habituation, and some people believe that by briefly keeping the vapor in their tongues, they will be able to absorb more nicotine.
Direct Lung (DL):
Some vape designs support the DL approach since they have a DL delivery system. Instead of holding the vapor in your mouth, you inhale it directly into your lungs. Once there, you swiftly release the vapor after holding it in your lungs for a little while.
Those who smoke might think this unusual or bizarre, but for many seasoned vapers, this is their go-to strategy.
What Consequences Can a Longer Vapour Hold Have?
Because of the continuous need for more research as well as the regular release of new material, the vaping community is sometimes full of contradictions and erroneous information. Some vapers believe that using the mouth-to-lung method, which involves ingesting nicotine through the tissues of the mouth, will increase their absorption of the drug.
Therefore, it’s not entirely unfounded, but more information needs to be available to determine whether it matters how long you keep the vapor in your mouth or lungs. It’s important to remember that regardless of how long you keep the wetness on your skin, your body will still absorb the nicotine. Inhaling the drug also increases the risk of cardiac issues, seizures, and burns.
The repercussions of holding in vapor for longer than a few seconds are still being determined, regardless of the technique you employ.
What Is the Appropriate Duration for Holding Vapour?
Based on the research that is accessible (or not), you can hold the vapor in your mouth or lungs for as long as you desire. If the vapour tastes strong to you or you prefer to keep it in your lips out of habit, hold it in longer. However, if you don’t mind having wet breath in your mouth or lungs for extended periods of time, don’t.
Final Thoughts
Whether you decide to vape your Myle Vape or Myle Meta pods using the DL or MTL method, keeping the vapour in your mouth for long periods of time won’t probably have a big effect on how you feel or how much nicotine you absorb. Find the ideal method and myle vape for you by browsing the vpdubaking variety, regardless of how long or short you have been vaping.